Testimony of JOHN MOONEY (ex Roman Catholic)
This testimony is very encouraging to listen to. Not only for the unsaved/religious folks, but also for the saved. Psalm 34:18 "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." Don't get scared if you are offended by biblical testimonies in which people become born again in spirit. Remember to pray (the Lord is nigh.) It's up to you to ask Him for help. Lay down your pride...yes, pride. Pride in all the good you've ever done. Humbling yourself before Him is easy said, not easily done. Most are too scared to turn away from whatever they have been taught by the world (their families, religious leaders, gurus, teachers,...) God will not abandon you if you truly seek Him and cling to Him. There's a huge spiritual battle that you can't see. It is more real than the wind. There's a spirit world that has you in bondage...and this includes your thoughts and feelings. This spirit w...