Understanding the Book of Acts
This sermon about the Book of Acts is hugely important for anyone alive in our current era...our current dispensation. Religions have completely confused the gospel by spawning all types of gospels because they don't see that there are indeed several ways people have received the Holy Spirit in the Bible. It is not true that all of them apply today. There is only one gospel that truly saves today...the gospel of grace. The gospel of grace is faith in the blood atonement (not water or signs and wonders!) This is very simple but humility towards God alone may give you a chance to understand (by God's grace.) Most people are not humble, they are very prideful, especially the religions that praise humility...they turn out to be the most rebellious toward the one true God. Very sad! I used to be very prideful in my humility and kindness. I had no idea I was lost. Thank the Lord for what He gave us...the gospel of grace. This current gospel is first applied in Acts 13-28 and all of the epistles written after that. Understanding this may help clear up the confusion. I personally have not heard a believer's testimony that didn't include how offended they were when they realized how much they have been deceived in this life religious or not.
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